Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.04.095

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 331.5
Butko, M. P., & Vorvynets, B. M. (2014). Metodychni pidkhody do doslidzhennya funktsionuvannya rehional'nykh rynkiv pratsi [Methodological approaches to the study of regional labor market functioning]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 95-106. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 11



National labor market Ukraine is characterized by specifc model specifed by the feature of the present stage of transformation. Given that the national labor market summarizes regional segments, important is the question of the development of diagnostic techniques of labor market at the mesolevel. Study of basic methodological approaches of quantitative evaluation of labor market showed three dominant approaches: assessment of the labor market based on indicators that refect the most important aspects of its operations; handling of multifaceted quantitative and qualitative indicators; comprehensive research synthesis using integral index, which synthesizes all aspects of the object. It is proved that the current transformation phase of labor market research of Ukraine requires its state not only on regional level in specifed time period, but also forms an idea of the pace of economic processes, the direction of movement. Therefore, the proposed method and algorithm of the author’s assessment of regional labor markets based on the use of two models of integral index of their operation – static and dynamic. The static model describes the current level of functioning of the labor market, dynamic – the direction and speed of its movement. Assessment and labor market trends on the proposed integral index provides the comparison of methodologically correct as at the mesolevel by a combined index and individual partial synthetic indexes, creating scientifc support of management decisions in today’s transformation conditions. Testing of the proposed methodology for estimation of the modern phase of regional labor markets Ukraine revealed signifcant differences in the characteristics of their general condition, the level of the main component, directions and rates of change and the basic characteristics of the present stage of their operation are learned. In particular, as the vast majority of RLM Ukraine is characterized by mediocre performance of their operation. The analysis found that the assessment and development at the RLM for the proposed integral index provides the methodologically correct matching of labor markets at the meso level as in the integral index, and individual partial synthetic indexes, creating scientifc support management decisions aimed at improving the social and economic effciency of modernization in contemporary terms.


labor market, regional labor market, cumulative index, method of evaluation, economic and mathematical model

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