Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.04.164

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 339.12:664.7:658.12.34(075.8)(477.83)
Kolodiychuk, V. A. (2014). Lohistychne obgruntuvannya prostorovoyi lokalizatsiyi zernozberihayuchykh potuzhnostey u L'vivs'kiy oblasti [Logistic justification of spatial localization of elevator capacities at the grain market of Lviv region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 164-171. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 5



The development of grain production in Ukraine is based on favorable natural, economic and geopolitical preconditions and ensures the development of other related industries, and the global trends in the food market contribute to the deepening of international specialization and creation of currency proceeds from exports of grain. Creation of grain reserves in the grain subcomplex agroindustrial complex is a natural process of seasonal production. Objectively accepting this reality, problem lies in the lack of quantitative and qualitative provision of subcomplex of grain storages and disproportion of their spatial localization in regions. For this organizational structure and management system of subordination of structural elements at the national level were defined as well as business of grain storage according to the legislation of Ukraine. Statistical performance of distribution of grain storages of certified facilities in Ukraine and Lviv region were represented and share in the national system of grain storage was defined. Attention is focused on primitiveness of outdated technologies in many grain storage elevators, causing significant losses and the high cost of storage. The article outlines the feasibility of using logistic approach to management of material flows in the grain market and grounded the use of technological systems of inventory management. The most common technological inventory management system and the corresponding parameters used in logistics are considered. This are inventory control system with a fixed size of the order, with a fixed frequency order, the system with established periodicity of restocking to specified range, and systems of “maximum - minimum“ and operational management. The analysis of approaches to finding locations of elevators in the region and the rational system of grain storage is performed. The main methods used in this are: method of exhaustive search, a heuristic method, method of determining the center of gravity and method of test points. The most attractive area for construction of elevator systems in terms of Lviv oblast and place of localization of grain storages capacities is determined taking into account the limits of the centers of gravity of material flows based on the selected method.


logistic system, grain market, inventory control, elevator systems, material flows

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