Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2015.02.153

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 332.1:330.341.1
Lutskiv, O. M. (2015). Rehional'na innovatsiyna polityka: osoblyvosti formuvannya ta problemy realizatsiyi [Regional innovation policy: features of formation and implementation problems]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 76(2), 153-162. [in Ukrainian].



The article reveals the essence, purpose and goals of regional innovation policy, to its subjects and objects. The features of the formation and implementation of regional innovation policy in the context of improving the competitiveness of the regional economy are considered. Stated that the regional innovation policy is formed by the local authorities in the form of regional programmes of innovative development, which were approved by the Regional councils and which were implemented by the relevant local authorities. The attention is focused on the fact that the main goal of regional innovation policy as a factor of growth of the national economy is to ensure the conservation and enhancement of scientific and technological potential, attraction innovation, development of knowledge-intensive industries, overcoming resource cost nature of production and its technological upgrading. It is indicated that at the regional level are determined by the priorities of innovation development of the region, are developed program of innovative development, can be imposed additional tax incentives and can be used other mechanisms of influence on development and support of innovative processes in the region. The key measures for support innovation at different hierarchical levels are identified. The attention is focused on the fact that it is the regional level of management becomes crucial for the activation of innovative processes that provide targeted support for innovative enterprises and scientific institutions. The main priorities of regional economic policy are determined in this paper. Indicated that each region has its own specific, reproductive, sectoral and technological structure, its system of priorities and should rely on their own strength and resources in the implementing of this strategy. Effective regional innovation policy should be based on an objective analysis of economic situation, detailed assessment of the available resources and opportunities, focusing on realistic, achievable goals. Analysis of innovative activity of regions of Ukraine is given. The instruments of stimulate regional authorities innovative activity of industrial enterprises are defined. The main barriers of the effectiveness of implementation of regional innovation policy and the ways of overcoming of them are outlined.


regional innovative policy, innovative development, competitiveness, regional authorities, innovative technology

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