UDC 332.1:352/354 Siryk, Z. O. (2015). Administratyvno-terytorial'nyy ustriy Frantsiyi: aktual'nyy dosvid dlya Ukrayiny [Administrative and territorial division of France: successful experience for Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 77(3). [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 7
ResumeThe relevance of fundamental changes of the-after-Soviet Ukrainian administrative and territorial division is outlined. Special attention is paid to the fact that community activity is very low in terms of the measures directed at improvement of management due to a few specific reasons: for a long time the legislative support was absent, so the interest (stimulation) on the lowest level was also absent; corruption took place in all allocation (privatization) processes of community property (land, real estate). Centralized command for fundamental changes for Ukraine is a priority, taking into account the experience of successful processes in European countries, particularly in France. The ways of introducing the French model in Ukrainian scientists’ proceedings are considered. Administrative and territorial division of France is analysed. The design features of local government in territorial entities of different status are outlined. The specific feature, which distinguishes the commune – lowest link in France – from other similar administrative and territorial divisions of different countries is shown – it is a complete autonomy in the authority performing. Commune is a single administrative and territorial division of France, where there are no separate State Authorities, which is similar to town and city councils in Ukraine. In the French commune, as in Ukrainian local government, a network of institutions is created, which enables citizens’ participation in local government. The features of cooperation of large French cities communities (Municipalities Regions) with special status consisting of the city and surrounding settlements and attempts to introduce this experience in Ukrainian cities are emphasized. That, along with the classical French practice of inter-municipal structures, remains very relevant and effective. Prominent examples are «Great Lyon», «Great Bordeaux», «Great Lille» and «Inter-municipal formation of Strasbourg», which are acting on the basis of subsidiary without violating the principle of power deconcentration. Their union has a purely socio-economic implication, because it serves as an attempt to better coordination of economic and production processes within established industrial agglomerations. The similarities of initial conditions in the administrative structure of national practice and the one existing in the reformed system of administrative and territorial division of France, where there is also three-level territorial entities in a unitary country with a lot of separated and minority communities (communes), as well as differences in the especially important functional and qualitative managerial staffing in both countries are defined. The feasibility to implement in practice of administrative and territorial division of Ukraine of the best achievements of the French model of territories management including the practice of implementation on the regional level of the institution to monitor the activities of communes and general management of peripheral government services, and to act as an intermediary between peripheral services and their ministries and individual communities are highlighted. As a result the fact that experience of administrative and territorial division of France, particularly of local government in this country, is extremely indicative for Ukraine not only because of the identity of certain levels of municipalities, but also because of the common strategic objectives put by the governments of both countries before the system of management areas is stressed.
Keywords:administrative and territorial division, local governance, state executive power, France, experience for Ukraine