Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2015.04.073

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 330.15:504:339.924(477)
Hulych, O. I. (2015). Napryamy vdoskonalennya mekhanizmiv rehulyuvannya ekolohichnoho stanu atmosfernoho povitrya transkordonnoho rehionu v konteksti yevrointehratsiynykh protsesiv Ukrayiny [Directions of improvement of atmosphere’s ecological state regulation mechanisms for cross-boarder region in the context of European integration processes in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 78(4). [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 17



Ineffective environmental policy of Ukraine on protection of atmosphere and the way towards European integration require comprehensive scientific research on the mechanisms of regulation of atmosphere’s ecological state and on the approach of the good environmental practices applied in the countries of the European Union. The article presents a comparison of the fundamental principles operating in today’s environmental policy of the EU and Ukraine in the sphere of atmosphere protection. The attention is focused on the number of inconsistencies in approaches and standards for implementation of environmental activities by the EU and Ukraine. The main shortcomings of the national legislative and regulatory framework that need improvement and adaptation to EU legislation are emphasized. The mechanisms of stimulation of the enterprises – pollutants of atmosphere to introduce the modern cleaning systems through fixing in the tariff rates for the products of such enterprises of specifically defined level of payments for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary sources are proposed. In the future, with the reduction of emissions, the indicator should be reduced or fixed with increase of unit charges for emissions. The scale of administrative fines for violations of legislation on protection of the atmosphere is proposed to be reviewed by setting their levels corresponding to the real size of the caused losses and stimulating the transition of enterprises – pollutants of atmosphere to a more “clean” technology. It is noted that the reduction of pollutant emissions from mobile sources can be achieved by: the introduction of environmental standards for certain categories of wheeled vehicles that are first registered in Ukraine; setting lower standards for sulphur in fuel oil and diesel fuel; by encouraging increased production and use of bicycles, hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles, in particular through the introduction of differentiated environmental tax on vehicles depending on the amount of fuel use; the introduction of environmental classification and labelling of wheeled vehicles, etc. A list of priority measures for the organization and conducting of monitoring of the atmosphere condition in accordance with European practices, in particular to ensure the implementation of joint monitoring programs of the cross-border atmosphere pollution observance over long distances is given. It is concluded that the implementation of norms and standards of environmental law in practice of economic activity, in particular, on the level of technological processes is the most difficult task of harmonization of national environmental practices on the protection of atmosphere in compliance with EU standards. This will require the development of programs of transition of individual sectors and industries to the new standards of eco-safe activities, the implementation of enhanced monitoring practices and improvement of environmental control systems and strengthening of public oversight as part of it. These mechanisms are proposed to primarily test in the cross-border regions, which have common with the countries of the European Union mission to protect the natural environment, as well as fall under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.


atmosphere, environmental safety of the atmosphere, mechanisms of regulation, European integration, cross-border region, cross-border pollution, monitoring of the atmosphere quality

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