Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.01.059

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 331.556.2(477);JELF22,O15,R23
Semiv, L. K. (2016). Problemy intehratsiyi vnutrishn'o peremishchenykh osib u Ukrayini v svitli naukovykh pidkhodiv do doslidzhennya [The problems of integration of the internally displaced persons in Ukraine by the light of scientific approaches to research]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 79(1), 59-69. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 9



The changes in political and economic situation in Ukraine have aggravated the problem of integration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in new place of residence. The quantitative assessment of IDPs can be interpreted as an assessment of their potential as an integrated assessment of labour, educational and professional, intellectual, social, civil potentials.
The experience solving similar problems in the countries of post-socialist space (Georgia and Moldova), the most important aspects of social protection of IDPs is a state of legislative support, employment, housing, social and pension provision. The forms, methods, techniques, in other words, the mechanisms for successful integration of migrants at the new place of residence are needed, the implementation of which helped to provide decent housing, formed willingness to adapt, would facilitate their employment and recognition of those persons from the society.
The implementation of state social, cultural, migration policies must develop and implement scientific and reasonable arrangements integration capacity IDPs at the new place of residence.
Mechanisms of integration of IDPs potential in host region are the sets of forms, methods, techniques, tools, ways to influence subjects (participants) of intra- and interregional movement within the country, which in case of existence of relevant laws are implemented by State and regional governments, employers, civil society (humanitarian organization) and displaced persons themselves. The purpose of these actions is the guarantee of specified in the Constitution of Ukraine the rights and freedoms of IDPs; the restoration of economic, financial, political, social, informational, cultural and other ties with the citizens of Ukraine residing both temporarily occupied territory and in other regions of Ukraine (new place of residence); provision of social needs (broadly defined), including social, labour, voting rights and the right to education after leaving by IDPs the temporarily occupied territory.
The concept of the mechanism of integration of IDPs potential is formulated on the base of an analysis of various sides of scientific knowledge, namely integration (socio-cultural integration), institutional, life safety, human factors, industrial relations, employment and decent work, civil society, informational, systemic approaches.


migration, internally displaced persons, potential, integration, mechanism, new place of residence, region

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