Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.01.172

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 330.34:330.837:[338.45:[655.41+655.26]];JELC13,L80,O17
Bazylyuk, V. B. (2016). Pidkhody do formuvannya pryntsypiv ta kryteriyiv otsinky vplyvu instytutsiynykh faktoriv na ekonomichnyy rist vydavnycho-polihrafichnoyi diyal'nosti: zahal'noderzhavnyy ta rehional'nyy aspekt. [Approaches to the formation of principles and criteria for evaluating the impact of institutional factors on economic growth of the publishing and printing activities: national and regional aspect]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 79(1), 172-177. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 9



It was considered the question of defining the principles and criteria for evaluating the impact of institutional factors on economic growth in publishing and printing activities at the national and regional level. It was done methodological approaches of institutional research, which showed that the most practical use of methods were developed by comparing economics of states of leading international organizations. Despite the significant number of methods to assess the efficiency of the institutions of different countries, there are significant difficulties to develop a common approach. Also, practically there are no methods for isolating institutional influences on one particular area or region, which would take into account factors. It was developed the approach construction a system for evaluating the impact of institutional factors on the development of publishing and printing activities based on three groups of indicators: indicators for assessing the institutional development of the state; general indicators assess institutional development publishing and printing activities; partial criteria for assessing the impact on the functioning of the basic institutions functioning in some regions. It was revealed that for the first two groups, there are certain developments concerning the principles and criteria of such assessment, therefore, proposed to pay attention to the formation of institutional methodology for assessing impacts on publishing and printing activities region. Also it was highlighted the components of the institutional environment that have a direct impact on the dynamics of its economic development at the regional level. Therefore it was suggested to narrow assessment and identified the main factors that exert a decisive influence on the development of the publishing and printing activities in the region based on consideration impact of the basic institutions. It was formed the system of partial indicators for assessing the impact on the functioning of the basic institutions of the complex, taking into account the production aspect. It is proved that further actual is the formation of methodology for assessing of institutional influences based on the integral index for each of the groups determines the weight of each of the criteria in the integrated index that will help to analyze the impact on the functioning of the basic institutions set in a particular region.


institute, development, region, publishing and printing activities, assessment, principle, criterion

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