Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.02.013

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 001.89:330.342.146:332.14(477), JEL B31, H53, I38, O30, R58
Sadova, U. Y. (2016). Sotsial'ni priorytety rehional'noyi polityky Ukrayiny u retrospektyvakh naukovoyi spadshchyny M. I. Dolishn'oho [Social priorities of Ukraine’s regional policy in the retrospectives of M.I. Dolishniy scientific heritage]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 80(2), 13-17. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 11



High urgency of initiating academic readings in memory of M. I. Dolishniy within the framework of the Science Festival is indicated. Attention is drawn to the comprehensive academic interests of the scientist, economist and academician. It is noted that social issues of regional policy, including the fields of labor and employment and cultural, educational and scientific management have become crucial in the formation of Marian Ivanovych as a scientist. Specific confirmation of his creative achievements in the field of labor economy and employment is given; importance of the ideas of culture and regional factors of describing a person of labor is stressed. It is emphasized that M I. Dolishniy was the first one among his colleagues to feel deeply inside the transition from the “material” to “intellectual” knowledge economy. The conclusions, which Marian Ivanovych drew according to the analysis of the problems connected with a low level of employees’ innovation culture are presented. The scheme of increasing M. I. Dolishniy’s potential as an individual (spiritual, social, physical) is formulated. It is emphasized that the sphere of scientific management was one of the specific academic worlds of the scientist’s. The words of gratitude for his tremendous work for the benefit of national science and education are expressed.Рубрика:


scientific school, scientific management, labour potential, social development, regional policy

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