Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.02.018

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 338.244.47:330.837, JEL H19, O17, R58
Vovkanych, S. Y. (2016). Prefekty v systemi detsentralizatsiyi vlady: novyy instytut, moderna instytutsiya (orhanizatsiya) chy rozvytok v Ukrayini neoinstytutsionalizmu? [Prefects in the system of authorities’ decentralization: new institute, modern institution (organization) or development of new institutional economics in Ukraine?]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 80(2), 18-33. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 17



Attention is paid for the first time to the need for bringing the definitions «institute» and «institution» (organization) into correspondence with the terms of authorities’ decentralization from the socio-humanistic point of view. In this context the features of their different dominants and directions of combining on the basis of personal (moral, ethical, socio-cultural, outlook, mental, etc) human characteristics and spiritual and intellectual potential of national elites as the producers of qualitative transfers to the development of new future Ukraine are analyzed. In the same time attention is focused on the need for the country to maintain growth of awareness by the institute of prefects about the major components of Ukrainian idea as the stratagems of general country development and as the markers of the nation unification in order to conduct reforms and implement the tasks on realization of European integration civilization choice of Ukraine, strengthening of its national security, protection of state sovereignty and breakthrough into world spaces and markets. It is suggested that while working at roadmap of Ukrainian institutional transformation the modern components of Ukrainian national idea should be considered as its development stratagems and as the basis for conducting anti-corruption, law, fiscal and defense reforms. The importance of introducing strict taboo on at least three “de”- de-nationalization of Ukrainians, de-unity of the country and de-centralization of its governance with granting special status to certain regions - in conditions of war in order to strengthen Ukrainian unity and protect its sovereignty is explained. Along with this it is advised to grant the prefects with the function of de-communization of «soviet man» as remaining post-colonial rarity that is still bloodily manipulated and speculated both from the inside and outside by anti-Ukrainian forces, preventing Ukraine from entering the EU and NATO and other European structures.Рубрика: Регіональна політика і територіальний розвиток


institute, organization (institution), institutionalism, institutional policy, prefect, decentralization of authorities, national idea stratagems, centrifugal anti-Ukrainian forces

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