UDC 332.1:338.439.52:339.137.2:330.341.1, JEL O18, O33, Q18 Kulish, I. M. (2016). Vplyv novitnikh tendentsiy vyrobnytstva i spozhyvannya produktiv kharchuvannya na konkurentni perevahy sil's'kykh terytoriy [Influence of modern tendencies of food production and consumption on rural territories’ competitive ability]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 80(2), 112-120. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 18
ResumeThe article shows the causes of emergence and the ways of establishment of organic agriculture concept. The reasons of temporary lack of attention on the part of certain governments over this range of problems are outlined. The article explains why the situation over maintenance of food security in the USA after the Warld War II was much better than in the countries of Europe and the USSR. Long-term absence of control over the ecological quality of food in the USSR is emphasized. This approach was to a certain extent changed after the accident at Chornobylska NPP in 1986, but had remained unsatisfactory in all countries of the former Soviet Union until the moment of its collapse. The causes of agricultural goods overproduction in the European Union are revealed and the steps towards solution of the problem taken by the Community government are analyzed. Latest tendencies of agriculture conducting are examined and their major types in the Western and Eastern countries are outlined. Evaluation of potential capacity of world organic agriculture over providing of world population with food products from the points of view of leading scientists and expert international organizations are shown. Approaches to understanding the ecological agriculture of scientists in the world are generalized. The influence of permaculture on forming of organic agriculture concept is explained. The fact that permaculture is the antipode of urbanization and its provisions are not always correct is proved. The nature of roof farms is characterized; their characteristics and major arguments of their apologists are analyzed. The following are among them: energy saving due to reducing of expenses on cooling, reduction of СО2 emission, unloading of runoff water system, availability of healthy food. The fact that rental ability of growing the organic products in such buildings is unlikely and quality and safety of the roof farms products does not correspond to sanitary and hygienic standards and contradicts the UNO basic principles is proved. Emergence of locavore movement and establishment of its definitions is examined. Advantages of locavorism are shown and its usefulness for strengthening of human health and territorial development is proved. The perspectives of creation of small local farmers markets and their importance for the development and forming of rural territories’ competitive advantages are emphasized. The need to support locavore movement in Ukraine as one of major chances for domestic agricultural producer and guarantee of nation’s health is stressed. Strengthening of the tendencies to establish direct contacts between municipal consumers and rural producers will enable small producers to realize their production at fair prices and will solve the range of problems of rural territories. Export-import tendencies of Ukrainian agricultural production are defined to be the perspective of further research.Рубрика: Розвиток сільських територій
Keywords:rural territories, competitive advantages, organic products, roof farm, locavore