Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.02.206

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 658:330.131.5:332.122, JEL G32, K22, L69
Kudrya, Y. V. (2016). Ekonomichni rezervy upravlinnya efektyvnistyu rozvytku promyslovykh korporatsiy rehionu [The economic reserves of industrial corporations’ efficiency management in a region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 80(2), 206-217. [in Ukrainian].



The evolution of business, industry and the global economy affects the efficiency of the industrial corporations and corporative development. The dynamics of economy conditions and volatility of industrial corporations’ environment stipulates the search for innovative sources of industrial corporations. The use of available economic reserves of industrial corporations’ efficiency management is one of the sources at the level of a region.
But the problems of economic mechanisms optimization of industrial corporations’ working capital management in a region at the expense of the region receivables for industrial products as the economic reserve of corporations’ efficiency management are not solved today.
The article aims to structurally and functionally optimize the inside economic mechanisms of industrial corporations’ working capital management on the example of the Western Ukraine and of instruments and technologies of management through economic and mathematical modeling at the expense of receivables for industrial products.
Industrial corporation is a joint-stock company. It is based on consolidation of capital of participants of corporate relations and is independent. Combining capital in equity (corporate) one and acquiring the legal personality in the course of establishing limits the liability of participants. Moreover, the following features are peculiar to corporations: free transfer of property rights of participants within the existing legal framework; the use of peer management; the specific construction and use of specific management structures; development and modernization of the management corporation; management decisions with regard to holders of equity shares and so on. Arming with peculiarities provides a competitive advantage in achieving synergy effects of independent members’ co-action in the course of corporation. In practice, the latter is possible due to the peculiarities of its operations and development.
Statistical liaison between the indicators of economic mechanisms optimization of industrial corporations’ circulating assets in a region and accounts receivable for industrial products is defined. Criteria of optimization of mechanisms of industrial corporations’ circulating assets management in a region are formulated and proposed. Formalized procedure for optimizing accounts receivable for industrial products is outlined.
This economic reserve of industrial corporations’ efficiency management in a region provides an increase in the level of corporate profits at the expense of additional margins between reinvestment of mobilized shares of receivables for industrial products and unearned operational by the use of corporate pricing discounts for products.


accounts receivable, economic reserves, corporation, efficiency, working capital optimization, industry, region’s development

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