Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.03.043

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 339.564+339.562(477)(477.8), JEL F10
Ishchuk, S. O., & Sozanskyy, L. Y. (2016). Strukturno-dynamichna otsinka eksportno-importnykh operatsiy v Ukrayini i oblastyakh Zakhidnoho rehionu [Structural and dynamic assessment of export and import operations in Ukraine and in the regions of Western Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 43-54. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 12



The introduction of a free trade zone between Ukraine and the European Union updates the study of dynamics of export-import operations, particularly in terms of product groups. The article aims to determine key trends in the development of foreign trade of Ukraine, and in particular of the Western region, and to work out proposals for improving the balance of payments. The analysis of the dynamics and structure of product export and import found that during the 2013-2016 in Ukraine, and in particular in the Western region, significant changes have occurred in foreign trade. However, in the Western region the nature of these changes (both as to the dynamics and to the structure of export-import operations) was more positive than in Ukraine in general. The results of the calculation of import-export ratio confirmed that major producers in the region – food, wood, light and engineering industries – not only export their products (in priority into the EU markets), but also provide domestic market with them. To overcome the negatives in foreign trade of goods, and thus – to improve the balance of payments, Ukraine needs to implement a set of measures: 1) diversification of the product structures of exports and imports that will minimize the risks related both to the reduced export earnings and to the increased costs on imports in case of world markets decline. For this a list (register) of the potential export product groups should be created for each region as follows: product group ? particular products ? producers. The registry should include those industrial enterprises, which have a higher level of competitive advantages, determined by results of objective comprehensive assessment of domestic producers competitiveness; 2) balancing the structures of export and import in terms of trading partners of Ukraine. In these structures the share of individual countries should not dominate to avoid political and foreign economy risks. For this it is necessary to carry out continuous monitoring of world markets in general, and markets of some macro-regions, as well as to continue the policy of active establishment of foreign relations, particularly at the enterprise level; 3) direction of import substitution policy into enhancing the focusing of certain categories of industrial producers (especially competitive by price) on the domestic markets of both consumer products and industrial ones (goods of intermediate consumption); 4) carrying out the gradual reorientation of investment flows into development of high-tech industries, including through tax and customs stimulation for domestic investors, and through state guarantees for foreign ones.


export, import, product groups, structure, dynamics, external trade balance

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