Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.03.063

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 332.024:332.142.4:334.752:[338.45:620.9], JEL Q29, L94
Bashynska, Y. I., & Zhuk, P. V. (2016). Perspektyvni shlyakhy rozvytku publichno-pryvatnoho partnerstva u sferi vidnovlyuvanoyi enerhetyky rehionu [Perspective ways of public-private partnership development in the field of renewable energy in the region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 63-68. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 7



The issue of public-private partnership in the field of renewable energy in the region is considered. The results of the economic evaluation of the natural potential of the renewable energy of Western Ukraine are given. The authors made the conclusions that the rate of its development is low and there is a need of effective organizational-economic mechanisms for renewable energy development in the region. State authorities and business entities are interdependent, because the state does not have sufficient funds to invest in renewable energy at an appropriate level, but has certain commitments to increase the share of renewables in the gross energy consumption and companies can not implement their projects without the support and approval of the state. In this context authors propose several mechanisms, including: formation of Western Ukrainian Cluster of renewable energy, implementation of green public procurement in the region, the development of finished projects for the construction of renewable energy objects on the auction trade basis.
Organizing and conducting of the auctions is hold on the regional authorities in the face of a specially created independent commission. It is advised that the commission should include representatives of central authorities, local authorities, interested NGOs, specialized research institutions and entities in the field of renewable energy.
The introduction of «green» procurement will be accompanied by the new jobs with safe working conditions in the region, the production of domestic «green» products and services and energy efficient technologies, development of small and medium businesses, improvement of the social responsibility through the compliance with health standards of labor, increase the investment in «green» sectors.
It is predicted that the implementation of the effective organizational and economic mechanisms in the field of renewable energy in the region, based on the international experience, will create conditions for rapid development of renewable energy, while providing a major boost to the regional economy.


renewable energy sources, renewable energy, region, public-private partnership

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