Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.03.113

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 378(477):001.895:332.1, JEL О30, I29
Hrynkevych, O. S. (2016). Kadrovyy potentsial vyshchoyi osvity i nauky Ukrayiny u konteksti innovatsiynoyi aktyvnosti yiyi rehioniv [Staff potential of higher education and science in Ukraine in the context of innovation activity of its regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 113-119. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 14



The economic and statistical analysis of the relationship between the indicators of staff potential of Higher Education and Science in the regions of Ukraine and the results of innovation activity is carried out. The number of Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science in Higher Education and other sectors of research in Ukraine are identified as the main quantitative indicators that assess the staff potential of these sectors. The statistical analysis of these indicators shows that the regions of Ukraine are characterized by such features as significant asymmetry in staff potential of innovation development and acute problems of preserving its intellectual resources and infrastructure in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
The results of the theoretical and applied research give reason to the following conclusions:
1. The staff potential of Higher Education and Science in Ukraine and their institutional infrastructure are the main factors of implementing an innovative model of the development in Ukraine’s regions. This fact is evidenced by statistically evaluated tight correlation between the number of highly qualified staff and such indicators of innovative activity as the volume of development and implementation of advanced technologies and the number of industrial enterprises that implement innovation in the region.
2. At the regional level no significant correlation is found between the indicators characterizing the staff potential of Higher Education and Science and the results of innovation activity commercialization in the form of sold innovative products. Thus the expert conclusion is confirmed that Ukraine is losing human and institutional capacity of the innovation development at the stage of legal protection and commercialization of scientific ideas in the form of sold innovative products. Among the main reasons for the low share of innovative product sales leaders of industrial enterprises call the lack of compelling reasons to implement innovations, including the shortage of own financial resources, available credits and also low demand for innovation in the market.
3. To increase the efficiency of human resources and infrastructure of the innovative development of Ukraine’s regions a set of political, social, economic and information factors is of great importance. However, in the authors’ opinion, the three main factors play a decisive role: 1) an increase in the solvent demand for innovation among all the entities of the regional economy; 2) the implementation of mutually beneficial forms of cooperation between the institutions of Academic Science, Higher Education and business for the sake of everybody’s competitiveness; 3) using various tools of information policy to stimulate and promote innovation and enhance innovation culture in different spheres of the region.


higher education, science, staff potential, specialists of higher qualification, correlation analysis, relationship density, innovation, innovation activity, region

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