Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.03.120

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 331.556.2:332.1, JEL J24, J19, O15, R23
Ryndzak, O. T. (2016). Sotsiokul'turni aspekty intehratsiyi vnutrishn'o peremishchenykh osib u rehional'nomu vymiri [Social and cultural aspects of the integration of internally displaced persons in the regional dimension]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 120-127. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 7



The article is devoted to covering of social and cultural aspects of the integration of internally displaced persons in host regions of Ukraine. The survey enabled the identification of two key problems of IDPs, they are: absence of their own homes and difficulties of finding a new suitable job. Social and cultural tension between local residents and internal migrants was not found. Probably this can be explained by the fact that such persons mostly chose regions with domination of ideological orientations and attitudes, close to them personally. Besides, it was found that internal forced migrants in western regions feel mostly friendly, and in the east – positive and neutral treatment of the local population was observed. Generally, internally displaced persons had good impression about the inhabitants of the host regions, or changed it in a positive direction after their moving. Consideration of attitudes and intentions about future residence of internally displaced persons is very important in developing ways of solving their actual problems. The survey showed that most of them tended to return to their homes or were still undecided, and only a quarter of respondents intended to stay in their current region of residence. In the western regions, where the percentage of such people is the largest, it is important to solve the problem of their rational resettlement and to provide them with permanent dwelling. Besides, it is advisable to create favorable conditions for self-employment and entrepreneurship of internally displaced persons and to provide incentives to employers for employing such persons. In the eastern regions, with high percentage of internal migrants with a clear desire to return to their homes, it is important to extend the temporary forms of employment, to stimulate the involvement of immigrants in public works. There are many women with children requiring care among IDPs. That’s why it is very important to stimulate flexible forms of employment (homework, flexible working hours, work on call, etc.). And last but not least, under current conditions it is necessary to conduct informational and educational work with the population, especially in the eastern regions of Ukraine.


internally displaced persons (IDPs), research, integration, issues, employment, attitudes

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