Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.04.006

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 331.5:35.072.1; JEL E24, R12
Butko, M. P., & Popelo, O. V. (2016). Instytutsional'ni zasady modernizatsiyi sfery zaynyatosti v umovakh detsentralizatsiyi vladnykh povnovazhen' [Institutional principles of employment sphere modernization under decentralization of powers]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 6-14. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 13



The article analyzes the current state of employment by regions. Non-traditional forms of employment in the context of the modernization of regional economies have been systematized. Atypical forms of employment have been considered: full employment in conditions of flexible forms of working time; underemployment; temporary employment; employment on the basis of secondary employment; employment contracts based on civil law; homework; work on call; distance employment; loan labor, informal employment.
The issues of innovative transformational changes in employment are the key factors of launching and support of relevant processes. Promising innovations that will radically intensify the state employment policy for urban population are outlined.
Innovative integrated program of vocational guidance is proposed to be introduced to address the lack of active career guidance policy based on the implementation of state incentives for the use of career guidance services to people of any age and stage of working life associated with higher employment promotion and creation systems providing such services and their availability.
Perspective innovative forms of implementing the policy for creating jobs for the economically active population are the following: work on the basis of the use of online communication technologies that provide communication in the current time; upgraded home-based work, within which a man in self-selected modes and locations creates a product or product component, for which independent system integrator or customer interested builds logistics of raw materials and finished products; co-working – under which legally and functionally independent actors share a certain engineering, information, communications and other infrastructure to ensure proper business environment.
In order to coordinate the atypical forms of employment special institutions are suggested to be created with the main task to organize measures to fill the gaps of atypical employment legal regulation, because the institutional framework must be adapted to innovative types of employment.


alternative employment, labor market, globalization, modernization, social labor relations, outstaffing, outsourcing, freelancing and leasing


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