Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.04.056

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 331.556.42:339.92:332.122.54; JEL J61, R23, R58
Levytska, O. O. (2016). Mihratsiynyy chynnyk asymetriyi rozvytku prykordonnykh rehioniv Ukrayiny ta Pol'shchi [Migration factor for the development asymmetry of border regions of Ukraine and Poland]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 56-65. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 15



In terms of the current crisis trends in Ukraine’s development, stagnation of the national economy, aggravation of the armed conflict, a considerable decrease in the level and quality of public life, there is a constant raise of migration that makes a substantial threat for the labor force disposal and loss of a significant part of human potential of the country. For this reason there is an objective need in a continual monitoring of migratory movements not only within large territorial systems but also within small, including border, ones. Evaluation of the consequences of an impact of population migration on a socio-economic development of cross-border regions is also important. It refers to a complex research in regional and local terms.
It is shown that the most dynamic population movements are observed in the western border regions of our country. The prerequisites for such trends are growing social and economic disparities in comparison with EU countries, poor conditions for self-realization in Ukraine, a deficit of decent work, low level of personal security, economic and civil liberties.
The object of the study is the determination of peculiarities of Ukrainian-Polish relations in the context of migration. The main attention is focused on the most important trends in the asymmetrical development of border areas by the example of Lviv Oblast and Podkarpackie Voivodeship. In the course of a comparative analysis, the points of regions’ convergence (demographic) and the asymmetry points of their development (by socio-economic parameters) are revealed on the basis of which key push- and pull-factors of border migration are formulated. The value of inter-regional disproportions (maximum coefficient gap – 5.5) is estimated and the influence of the international migration on the level of development asymmetry of border territories is approved. This especially concerns the group of economic indicators (average monthly wages of the population and per capita gross regional product). It is also proved that the studied trans-border space, featured with two border regions, is more responsive to migration movements in Lviv Oblast than in Podkarpackie Voivodeship.
Evaluation of intensity of territorial population movements within Lviv Oblast and Podkarpackie Voivodeship by types of migration (labor, educational and tourist) is provided. The main migration orientations in these regions are defined. The role and requirements to the trans-border cooperation policy in solving the problems of asymmetry of inter-regional development and enhancement of socio-economic potential of border territories of Ukraine and Poland are grounded.


migration of population, inter-regional convergence, development asymmetry, border region, trans-border cooperation


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