Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.04.066

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 332.1:331.55(477)(430); JEL J61
Baranyak, I. Ye. (2016). Ukrayins'ko-nimets'ka terytorial'na mihratsiyna systema: suchasnyy stan i tendentsiyi rozvytku [Ukraine-Germany territorial migration system: current state and development trends]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 66-74. [in Ukrainian].



In the article, migration is considered as an essential feature of existence and a way of modern society development. A review of recent research studies and theoretical approaches to determination of the territorial migration system is presented. It is stated that the territorial migration system is a part of the local social systems, which together form migration flows and events.
The analysis of migration relations between Ukraine and Germany is important for not only identification of possible migration losses of a country, but also for determination of the economic benefits of such processes.
The aim of the study is to clarify the main preconditions of formation of the territorial migration system between Ukraine and Germany. The current state and possible prospects of its development are also revealed by the author.
The main factors influencing formation of migration relations between Ukraine and Germany are defined. Particular attention is paid to historical conditions of formation of modern Ukraine-Germany migration relations. It is also noted that migration streams between the territories of modern Western Ukraine and Germany have been established historically in the XIV century and have occurred for several times.
Based on official statistical data, the development of foreign trade between Ukraine and Germany is estimated. The scale of migration flows between two countries in the last ten years, number of Ukrainian migrants in Germany, age-sex structure, territorial distribution of Ukrainian citizens officially living in Germany at the end of 2015 are analyzed.
As a result, social and demographic profiles of an average Ukrainian migrant in Germany are formulated. It is concluded that intensification of migration processes in their quality between Ukraine and Germany might have positive consequences for Ukraine – such as new investments, turnover increase and knowledge transfer.


migration, territorial migration system, international migration, migration relations, population structure


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