Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.04.130

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 330.341.1:332; JEL R34, R39
Stadnytskyy, Yu. I. (2016). Prostorovyy chynnyk konkurentsiyi tekhnolohiy vyrobnytstva produktsiyi [Spatial factor of production technologies competition]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 130-136. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 12



In the article possibilities of the use of spatial economy developments are examined in order to improve the choice of the goods production optimal technology. It is well-proven that not only the choice of technology depends on a place but also choice of place depends on technology. The algorithm of choice of production technologies optimal system by the chosen production type within the limits of corresponding analysis space is suggested. Such sequence of choice of the optimal system of production technologies by the chosen type of products is reasonable within the limits of corresponding analysis space: the spatial limits of analysis are outlined; the list of possible production places by the chosen type of products is formed in these limits; for every place the choice of optimal technology is grounded from the biggest number of possible; the chosen technologies will be compared by economic indicators, including the competition of technologies in the distance; places, where technologies lost a competition in the distance, are considered unpromising for the production of the chosen type of products; places, wherever technologies lost a competition in the distance, are considered perspective for the production of the chosen type of products; perspective places are estimated by the criterion of size of market of sale; the places negatively appraised by the criterion of sales market size are not recommended as places of expedient production; the places positively appraised by the criterion of sales market size are recommended as places of expedient production. The conclusion was made that when grounding the choice of the optimal system of production technologies by the chosen type of products within the limits of corresponding analysis space, first the optimal technology for every possible place of production should be chosen, and then it should be estimated if it is worth producing these products in these places. Thus, the choice of effective possible places of production will simultaneously become the choice of effective technologies. This same way guarantees the correct grounding of the optimal technologies branch systems and this is an important contribution of theory of spatial economy into the theory of capital efficiency. Further researches in the field of technologies comparison are perspective by direction of analysis of place (parts of space) as irreplaceable technology component.


spatial organization of economy, spatial economy, technology, allocation of enterprises, competition of places, competition of technologies


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