Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.04.153

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 65.014.1+655.5; JEL R1, М10
Lazanovskyy, P. P., & Hirnyak, O. M. (2016). Problemy upravlinnya vydavnychoyu diyal'nistyu na rehional'nomu rivni [Problems of publishing activity management at regional level]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 153-159. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 10



In the scientific article the problem of modern publishing activity management at the regional level is considered. Its purpose is to assess the state of the current management system, the analysis of its results in the last few years and develop a set of measures for its improvement. The study was carried out using the methods of economic and statistical comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalizations. The result of the study highlighted the need to distinguish the publishing activity as separate structural component of publishing business and to develop specific measures to control it. The relevance of the problem is supported by the analysis of some indicators of publishing activity in Ukrainian regions, which tend to decrease.
The analysis of activity of regional authorities in the sphere of publishing business management showed that it is currently inefficient. Their plans include the measures for the development of book publishing and cover publishing business generally therefore mostly do not reflect changes in publishing activity. Poor attention is paid to newspapers and magazines production management and its other types.
As the result the study suggests the ways to improve the management of publishing activity at the regional level. In general, they cover copyright environment and publishing companies in the complex. In particular, they emphasize the support of the socially important publications, inclusive publications, personnel provision management and development of departmental publishing, studying the experience of other countries, amendments to legislation and more. Of course, these ways are not exhaustive, and further research into this problem stipulates expansion of their range and development of fundamental measures to improve the management of publishing at the regional level as a whole.


publishing activity, publishing business, region, publishing production, analysis, management


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