Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.02.023

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC [338.46:37]:330.34; JEL I28, O15
Zahorskyy, V. S. (2017). Osvita yak vyznachal'nyy faktor zabezpechennya staloho rozvytku natsional'noyi ekonomiky [Education as a decisive factor in ensuring sustainable development of the national economy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 23-30. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 6



The problem of human and social capital formation is closely connected to the functioning of the education system. From the standpoint of a system approach, education is a functional institution of a society, which has its own structure and specific aim of functioning. The complication of social and manufacturing, information and intellectual relations in the processes of civilization development generates increased requirements for the functioning of social and industrial subsystems, which can be solved only by means of education.
The functioning of the education system is not just the transfer of knowledge and the development of a person, but also the intellectual support of socio-economic development. Educational functions play a key role in the pace of civilization progress in the nearest future. In the context of sustainable development, an important moment in the role of education is that knowledge has the ability to grow and deepen. As a result, education carries out the transfer of knowledge to the next generation, which provides for a progressive development of future generations. Today, education is seen as a continuous process that lasts throughout life and is characterized not only by the replenishment of the information stock, but by the change in its structure and forms in accordance with the new requirements.
From the point of view of economic development, education is the source of creating new opportunities and resources for development that significantly changes the quality of human life, ensures the achievement of harmony of natural, social and spiritual human nature. Knowledge and information allow achieving the set goals, minimizing the resources, convincing people of their personal interest for these purposes. According to some estimates, today in the world about 70% of gross domestic product (GDP) growth is due to the application of new knowledge embodied in innovative production and management technologies.
Knowledge as a special resource of social development has the properties of continuous reproduction and accumulation. However, like any resource, knowledge is prone to destruction, impoverishment and, moreover, unlike natural resources, the usefulness of which is beyond doubt, the usefulness of knowledge may be questionable. This happens when knowledge (in the context of education problems) is considered and analyzed as a narrow category that involves only professionalism, in isolation from the morality of the subject (individual or organization) – the bearer of knowledge.
Today the rates of obsolescence of knowledge grow; the life cycle of goods (services) is reduced. Companies gain advantages in a competitive struggle by creating strategies that focus not on predicting and analyzing the external environment, but, above all, on the efficient increasing and using of their own resources, primarily intellectual ones. It is obvious that intellectual activity cannot be performed without fundamental knowledge, i.e. the knowledge necessary for the education of a graduate of an educational institution, which allows forming a valuable-meaningful system for orienting a person in the flows of information.


education, knowledge, human capital, resource, development, economics


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Sources: 11

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