Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.03.048

UDC 332.145:332.146.2(23); JEL C81, O11
Zhuk, P. V., & Bashynska, Yu. I. (2017). Yevropeys'ki makrorehional'ni instrumenty rozvytku – dlya hirs'kykh terytoriy [European macro regional development instruments for mountain territories]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 85(3), 48-54. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 11



The issue of the use of European macro regional development instruments for mountain territories – European mountain conventions and macro regional strategies – is examined. Principles and objectives of actual Alpine and Carpathian conventions are characterized. The necessity to supplement them with the instruments of strategic and program nature is emphasized. On the example of actual 2015 EU Macro Regional Strategy for the Alpine Region the objective, goals and tasks of new European instruments of macro regions systemic development are analyzed. The essence of initiatives on macro regional strategy development for Carpathian region is outlined. Data on directions and priority spheres of joint activities stipulated in the draft strategy for countries and regions – its hypothetical participants – is presented. Special attention is paid to three priority spheres of joint activity, which aim for competitive, green and cohesive Carpathians. Strengthening of economic cooperation, achievement of nature environment high quality and improvement of Carpathians functional accessibility are defined as the most important goals. Horizontal cooperation of strategy participants in institutional sphere, spatial planning and cross-border cooperation are also emphasized as important ones.


mountain territories, macro region, development instruments, macro regional strategies, Carpathian strategy

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