Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.03.116

UDC 354.327.008, JEL I38, M14, Z10
Popadynets, N. M. (2017). Napryamy reformuvannya sfery kul'tury v umovakh sektoral'noyi detsentralizatsiyi [Directions of cultural sphere reforming under the conditions of sectoral decentralization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 85(3), 116-122. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 8



Nowadays the sphere of culture is an important component of human capacity reproduction and development, which corresponds to the requirements of innovative economy and priority objectives of Ukrainian society modernization. The research of cultural sphere development in the context of sectoral decentralization stipulates outlining of major problems and risks that emerge in its course and implementation of the directions of its structural reforming and in terms of financial maintenance. Indeed, the efficiency of the tasks assigned to cultural institutions depends on stability and consistency of cultural policy, as well as integral funding. Unfortunately the level of funding of cultural institutions, which play important role in forming of development capacity of a regions and a country at a whole remains to be very low. Therefore, financial component of cultural sphere development is the guarantee of comprehensive development and strengthening of cultural institutions’ independence and improvement of the quality of serviced provided by them. It also destabilizes the threats and challenges that emerge nowadays in cultural sphere in the course of forming of combined territorial communities.
The article aims to define the major directions of cultural sphere reforming at local, regional and state levels under the conditions of sectoral decentralization.
The cultural sphere network (libraries and clubs) across regions in rural and urban territories is defined. The level of clubs’ and libraries’ sufficiency in rural and urban territories is determined. Main problems and risks of cultural sphere decentralization are outlined. The ways of state funding decentralization in cultural sphere are found. Major reasons of poor attraction of private funding sources into the development of cultural sphere are characterized. Main non-public sources of cultural sphere funding at local and state levels are defined. Major directions of cultural sphere reforming under the conditions of sectoral decentralization are suggested.


funding sources, cultural institutions, combined territorial communities, sectoral decentralization, cultural sphere

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