Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2018.04.064

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 332.3:349.41(477); JEL Q24, Q52
Zalutskyy, I. R. (2018). Pryrodno-sil's'kohospodars'ke rayonuvannya zemel' v Ukrayini: osoblyvosti normatyvno-metodychnoho zabezpechennya ta problemy systemnoho zdiysnennya [Natural and agricultural land regionalization of Ukraine: the peculiarities of regulatory and methodical provision and system implementation problems]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 90 (4), 64-73. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].



This article deals with formation of the state policy regarding natural and agricultural land regionalization of Ukraine. The conceptual principles in the sphere natural and agricultural land regionalization laid down by "The Land Code of Ukraine", the Laws of Ukraine "On Land Management " and "On Land Protection" are outlined. The specifics are revealed: natural and agricultural land regionalization should be carried out exclusively in the order of land management as a systematic measure in the sphere of land protection; natural and agricultural land regionalization in Ukraine is the basis for land valuation, i.e. it is carried out by land management, and not in the process of land valuation; the division of land by purpose is carried out in order to record and reflect the position of land in a single system classification taking into account the natural conditions and agro-biological requirements of agricultural crops, the development of economic activity and the priority of environmental safety requirements; the establishment of requirements for the rational use of land in accordance with the region (zone) and definition of territories requiring special protection from anthropogenic influence are the components of natural and agricultural land regionalization; the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine defines the Procedure for implementation of natural and agricultural zoning of land. The retrospective analysis of the regulatory and methodological providing in the sphere of natural and agricultural land regionalization is carried out and the peculiarities of its formation and updating are indicated. The author emphasizes that in 2005-2010 the natural and agricultural land regionalization was reduced to a separate one scientific development at the national level and some intra-regional projects, which have not received official approval. The paper proves that before the natural and agricultural regionalization was carried out in Ukraine, the laws doubtfully recorded some classifications of territorial taxonomic units solely for implementation of land normative monetary valuation, in particular: the list of natural zones with their administrative districts by regions of Ukraine; the list and codes of natural and agricultural areas within regions of Ukraine; the list of natural and agricultural zones and the mountain natural and agricultural regions within Ukraine. The existence of methodological and legal differences in a modern government mechanism of natural and agricultural land regionalization as an integral part of the national (pan-Ukrainian) normative monetary valuation of agricultural land is proved and the threats of its implementation are emphasized.


natural and agricultural land regionalization, regulatory and methodological providing, problems of system implementation


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