Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2018.04.122

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 338.45:665.75; JEL Q57, Q58, Q42, P28
Yakubiv, V. M., Maksymiv, Yu. V., & Hryhoruk, I. I. (2018). Klasyfikatsiya instrumentiv derzhavnoyi stymulyatsiynoyi polityky rozvytku rynku biopalyva [Classification of instruments for state stimulation policy for biofuel market development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 90 (4), 122-130. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].


Yakubiv Valentyna Mykhaylivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of management and business administration of the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



Maksymiv Yuliia Vasylivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of accounting and audit of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



Hryhoruk Iryna Ivanivna

Postgraduate, Lecturer of the Department of management and business administration of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University




The article describes the classification of instruments of the state stimulation policy for the development of the biofuel market, the task of which is to create conditions for the economic, ecological and social interest of the participants in the biofuel market on the basis of implementation of the requirements of legislation and requirements of society. The following classification of instruments of state incentive policy for the development of production and consumption of biofuels made from sustainable biomass has been formed: normative-legal instruments, economic-legal instruments (market and fiscal), and organizational-information instruments. Introduction of a biofuel exchange, which is a kind of electronic platform for trade in biological fuels, has been determined as the most effective market incentives (as part of economic and legal instruments). It is substantiated that normative-legal instruments play a special role, since most of the above-mentioned components of the proposed classification can be realized precisely through legal regulation. The use of instruments of socially responsible interaction is proposed, the essence of which is a combination of actions that ensure socially responsible behavior of the state, business entities and consumers of biofuels in order to achieve the common goal of increasing the production and consumption of environmentally friendly biofuels. Instruments of socially responsible interaction include informing about the possibilities of using biomass as a fuel in individual heat supply. It can be realized by publishing such information (with contact details of potential suppliers) on the site of utility companies or other specially created platforms. The possibility of this instrument implementation will become even simpler in practice, when it is legally secured. It is substantiated that taking into account the existing potential for the formation of sustainable biomass in Ukraine, bioenergy is capable to be the most promising renewable energy source, but it is possible only if normative-legal, economic-legal (market and fiscal), and organizational-information instruments will be applied at the level of the state, society and business structures.


biofuel market, bioenergy, state stimulation policy, state stimulation policy instruments, socially responsible interaction instruments, stakeholders, energy security, strategy


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