Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2020.01.052

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.48:332.133.6:[332.122:379.84](477); JEL F29, O19
Maslyhan, O. O., & Kampov, N. S. (2020). Potentsial rozvytku klasteriv turyzmu i rekreatsiyi v rehionakh Ukrayiny [Capacity of tourism and recreation clusters development in Ukrainian regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 52-61. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 7


Maslyhan Olena Oleksandrivna

Kampov Nadiya Semenivna

Senior Lecturer of the Department of tourism and geography of the Mukachevo State University




The development of the tourism and recreation cluster should be realized in those areas of Ukraine where there is a qualitative core for their development, which we consider as a collection of valuable tourist resources. Namely the natural ones like water, balneal, forest, climate, man-made objects (historical, cultural, and infrastructural resources). The aim of the article is to define and rank the caapcity for development of tourism and recreation clusters in the regions of Ukraine. The theoretical foundation is formed by the philosophical, general scientific and specifically scientific principles and provisions of modern theory of systems, theoretical platforms of management of tourism and recreation clusters development in regions. The results of the study proved that the identification and classification of the development capacity of tourism and recreation clusters in the regions of Ukraine should not simply be focused on the identification of the status of the core of the tourism and recreation cluster, but it is the dependency and coherence of the assessment components. Naturally, correlation can have positive and negative effects. A negative correlation determines the influence that limits the possibilities of creating a tourist product in water; balneal; forest; climatic resources (with a negative correlation rate). A positive correlation is a correlation where there are additional possibilities to create a tourist product (and the correlation rate is positive). According to the above-mentioned method, the combined result makes it possible to determine the nature and direction of development of the tourism and recreation cluster, which should include: development of artificial water zones and water bodies for all age categories of visitors; development of the forest of Ukraine, based on its protection; identification of areas to be recognized as objects of the nature reserve fund, measures to be taken, and incentives to increase the number of places in hotels and similar accommodation facilities.


development potential, tourism and recreation cluster, assessment of unique tourism resources, regions of Ukraine


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