Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2020.03.014

UDC 338.43:352/354:005; JEL B41, O18, Q12, R38
Butko, M. P., Kolosha, V. P., & Rasskazov, O. I. (2020). Metodolohichni pidkhody do otsinyuvannya vplyvu ahropromyslovykh pidpryyemstv na rozvytok terytorial'nykh hromad [Methodological approaches to assessing the impact of agro-industrial enterprises on the development of territorial communities]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 97 (3), 14-22. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 6


Butko Mykola Petrovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine

Professor of the Department of management and administration of the Academic Institute of Management, Food Technologies and Trade of the Chernihiv National University of Technology



Kolosha Valeriy Petrovych

Director of PJV «Piskivske» in Chernihiv region



Rasskazov Oleh Ihorovych

Postgraduate of the Department of management and administration of the Academic Institute of Management, Food Technologies and Trade of the Chernihiv National University of Technology




The agro-industrial complex of Ukraine is one of the most relevant segments of the national economy, which provides an adequate level of food security of the regions and the state as a whole, as well as forms a significant amount of domestic expert material. However, institutional miscalculations of the state, underestimation of the peculiarities of the formation and functioning of domestic and foreign food markets, as well as ignoring the role of local governments and civil society institutions in rural development, led to agricultural enrichment, dominance of small-scale production, lack of motivation for integrated development formations, and depopulation of rural areas. The essence of modern EU agricultural policy in the third millennium and the need for our country to join it are studied. Methodological approaches to assessing the impact of agro-industrial enterprises on the integrated development of territorial communities in the context of decentralization of power are developed. The multifaceted nature of the process of functioning of agro-industrial production in the direction of ensuring the development of communities determines the influence of a significant number of factors. Generalizing scientific approaches in this area, all factors can be combined into several aggregate groups: production, consumption, social, institutional, and environmental orientation. The proposed methodological approaches to assessing such impact, in addition, provide an opportunity to develop areas for long-term mutually beneficial development of the entities in this system. The purpose of such promising parameters should be to develop mechanisms to ensure the production of high-quality food products, primarily for domestic consumption; to improve the level and quality of life of rural residents; to improve the system of management of territorial communities and formation of effective schemes of their interaction with business entities; to stimulate the activity of the population of the territories as a locomotive of these processes; to ensure the improvement of the ecological condition of settlements and environmental protection.


agro-industrial enterprise, balance and complexity of development of territorial communities, barriers of development of agro-industrial production, regularities, factors, principles of development, paradigmatic positions, axiological approaches


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