Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2020.04.024

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.021.8:[332.122:351.863]:005; JEL H56, R58
Tymchyshyn, Yu. V. (2020). Kontseptual'ni zasady formuvannya stratehiy ekonomichnoyi bezpeky rehioniv [Conceptual bases of forming the regions’ economic security strategies]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 98 (4), 24-31. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 12


Tymchyshyn (Tymchyshyn-Chemerys) Yuliya Vasylivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




The article systematizes the existing theoretical approaches to revealing the essence of the definition "a region’s economic security strategy". The strategy of economic security should be a priority in ensuring the goals of inclusive development of regions, their competitiveness and stability. The order of development of this strategy includes: 1) forming the strategic goals of economic security of the region taking into account the management hierarchy; 2) strategic analysis of the external and internal security environment of the region; 3) identifying the strategy options; 4) determining the strategic alternatives and priorities of economic security of the region; 5) implementing the strategy; 6) monitoring the determinants of the economic security management process; 7) control; 8) adjustment of appropriate measures for economic security in the region. A number of new strategies are proposed: 1) of equalization and elimination of risks, threats, and dangers, 2) of growth and activation of growth poles; 3) of active growth; 4) of advanced safety-oriented development; 5) innovation-investment and adaptive strategies. Strategies for equalization and elimination of risks, threats, and dangers for areas with signs of depression and a critically low level of security are aimed at overcoming imbalances in the socio-economic system of the region and restoring positive economic growth parameters. Strategies for growth and activation of growth poles are focused on identifying profitable economic activities in the region, increasing innovation and investment, and overcoming the existing low level of economic security. Strategies of active growth provide for positive dynamics of development of the economic subsystem in the region and indicators of its security and increase of internal potential for an economic breakthrough. Strategies of advanced security-oriented development are typical for leading regions with a high level of development of the economic subsystem in the region and its security with a focus on the long-term increase of regional economic activity and security indicators. Innovation-investment and adaptive strategies are typical for the region with the highest level of economic security based on the adequacy of financial security and concentration of innovation and investment potential in the region.


economic security of the region, threats, risks, dangers, strategy


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