Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2021.01.055

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.984; JEL O13
Halas, L. I. (2021). Konkurentni perevahy rozvytku zovnishn'oekonomichnoyi diyal'nosti sil's'kohospodars'kykh pidpryyemstv [Competitive advantages in development of agricultural enterprises’ foreign economic activity]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 99 (1), 55-60. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 7


Halas Lesya Ivanivna

Postgraduate, Junior Researcher of the Department of management and business administration of the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University




A necessary condition for a market economy is the existence of a competitive environment between economic entities, especially when agricultural enterprises enter foreign market. This problem is clear because the foreign economic activity of enterprises provides them with a competitive advantage allowing enterprises to enter a competitive market and occupy their positions in the world market of goods and services. The choice of strategies for a particular enterprise in the field of foreign economic activity is a long-term process that involves the choice of strategies from possible behaviors and coordination of actions of all structural units. Unfortunately, the loss of agricultural enterprises is one of the negative factors preventing them from performing management tasks related to the implementation of the chosen competitive strategy. In this case, the company may not focus on any strategy at all, and will not solve operational problems related to the economic efficiency of economic activity. In general, the essence of strategic management of enterprises engaged in foreign economic activity is to form a concept of benefits and prospects that can bring the international market and its actions. When implementing the company's strategic management in the international market, it is inevitable to avoid assessing short-term, medium-term and long-term risks and prospects. The competitiveness of agricultural enterprises should be based on the following aspects: improving the quality of enterprise management, development and compliance with standards of strategic competitiveness of agriculture and food; formulation of proposals for the formation of various strategies for enterprises; improvement of innovative organizations, introduction of information technology, and the presence of merchants in the commodity market provides information support; improves the organizational and technical level of support for agriculture; develops logistics and marketing systems.


foreign economic activity, agricultural enterprises, strategies, strategic competitive advantages of the enterprise, strategic outline


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