Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2021.01.107

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.439:330.337; JEL Q10, Q18
Pruntseva, H. O. (2021). Analiz problem funktsionuvannya instytutsional'noho mekhanizmu prodovol'choyi bezpeky [Analysis of the problems of the functioning of the food security institutional mechanism]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 99 (1), 107-114. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 13


Pruntseva Gelena Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of borrowing, insurance and finance of the National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics"; Director of Centrafarm Ltd. (Kyiv); Head of NGO "Institutional Reforms"




The efficient functioning of the food security institutional mechanism is an important factor in providing the population with vital foodstuffs. It is the efficient relationship between traditional food demand institutions and modern food market regulation institutions that catalyzes the development of an efficient food security mechanism. The efficient functioning of modern institutions of the food security system is possible with an efficient system of institutional integration. That is why the need to highlight the problems of forming and efficient functioning of the institutional mechanism is important for finding ways to improve the existing food security system. At present, Ukraine's food security system is at an active stage of institutional transformation, which contributes to building an efficient link between agricultural production, the country's population, and the green economy. According to the SWOT analysis of the food security institutional mechanism, it can be concluded that the set of existing formal and informal institutions needs significant reform and improvement, as they should stimulate production, the competitiveness of Ukrainian products in both domestic and foreign markets, and affordability of agricultural products for citizens. According to the PEST-analysis of the institutional mechanism of the food security system, it can be concluded that to ensure the efficient functioning of the food security system, the state should build an efficient strategy for agro-industrial complex development and a strategy to provide the population with quality food products, bring the existing regulatory framework in line with modern market requirements and international standards, increase the level of technical and technological equipment of agro-industrial production, etc. In order to improve the current situation, the following areas of regulation of the food security institutional mechanism are proposed: strengthening the role of formal institutions in the domain of agro-industrial production and food security, ensuring the transformation of formal institutions in accordance with international law, stimulating development and creating incentives for informal institutions in the food security domain, ensuring strong interconnection and efficient interaction between formal and informal institutions of the food security mechanism.


food security, institutional mechanism, production, food


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