Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2021.02.200

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.138:659.1; JEL M39
Mushka, D. V., Bondarenko, V. M., & Popadynets, N. M. (2021). Sutnist' ta evolyutsiya digital-marketynhu [Nature and evolution of digital-marketing]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 100 (2), 200-204. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 11


Mushka Daniella Vasylivna

Postgraduate of the Department of enterprise economics of the Faculty of Economics of the Uzhhorod National University



Bondarenko Viktoriya Mykhaylivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of business administration, marketing and management of the Uzhhorod National University; Senior Researcher of the Transcarpathian Regional Centre for Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies of NAS of Ukraine



Popadynets Nazariy Mykolayovych

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine; Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of the Department of economics and marketing of the Educational and scientific institute of entrepreneurship and advanced technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University

Contacts:, (032)270-7089, (096)945-9098



This scientific article considers the constantly growing role of digital marketing in the overall range of business marketing activities in the modern world. The historical aspect of development and implementation of digital marketing is outlined in the first part of the article. The article considers the chronology of digital marketing development from the middle of the twentieth century and specific transition from classic to digital marketing. The key moments that changed the specifics of marketing are highlighted; the information of different approaches to the evolution of marketing is structured. The authors of the article analyze the diversification of the approaches defining the concept of digital marketing by domestic and foreign scientists. It is determined that the concept of «digital marketing» should be considered as a process of promoting goods and services of the enterprise with the involvement of digital technologies, mobile devices and the Internet in the general marketing activities of the business. Besides that, the difference between digital marketing and Internet marketing is also described by mentioning the main instruments involved in these processes. The work supplies examples of the efficient digital instruments which are important for brand promotion. The significant emphasis is placed on changes in marketing activities that contribute to the further development of brands. In the end of the article, the authors conclude that the current stage of the market economy development in a pandemic situation, fierce competition and global transition to online life creates new conditions in which the implementation of an effective promotion mechanism is an integral condition for each successful business seeking to increase its profits and pace of development.


marketing, digital marketing, internet marketing, promotion, evolution of marketing, business


    Alaverdyan, L. M., & Romanenko, O. V. (2019). Suchasni realiyi ta perspektyvy rozvytku zovnishn’oyi torhivli Ukrayiny z inshymy krayinamy svitu [Modern realities and prospects of Ukraine’s foreign trade development with other countries of the world]. Efektyvna ekonomika – Efficient economy, 4. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

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