Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2022.02.025

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.122:339.924(477.8); JEL R10, F01, F15
Borshchevskyy, V. V., Zasadko, V. V., & Vasylytsya, O. B. (2022). Zakhidnyy rehion Ukrayiny v umovakh suchasnykh vyklykiv hlobalizatsiyi: stratehichne planuvannya rozvytku v konteksti nablyzhennya do YeS [The Western region of Ukraine in the circumstances of contemporary challenges of globalization: strategic development planning in the context of approaching to the EU]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 104 (2), 25-34. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 16


Borshchevskyy Viktor Valentynovych

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Leading Researcher of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine; Head of the Department of public administration of the Ukrainian Catholic University



Zasadko Valentyna Viktorivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher of the Regional Branch of the National Institute for Strategic Studies in Lviv; Executive Director of the Faculty of Social Sciences, School of public administration of the Ukrainian Catholic University



Vasylytsya Oksana Bohdanivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of public administration of the Ukrainian Catholic University




The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the regional development of Ukraine in the modern challenges of globalization. The main factors determining the nature and quality of strategic planning in different regions of Ukraine include the consequences of military aggression by Russia and the geopolitical changes caused by it on the European continent. New opportunities are open for the oblasts of the Western Region of Ukraine, given the prospect of further rapprochement between Ukraine and the EU. The main features of the current stage of globalization and European integration in the context of their impact on changing the principles and directions of regional development strategy in Ukraine are outlined. The peculiarities and nature of the impact of current global transformations on the development of individual regions of Ukraine are analyzed. The article notes that the specifics of the functioning of the regional economy in the current situation are determined primarily by tasks related to the logistics of the Ukrainian army. It is important to create appropriate conditions for the relocation of businesses from regions close to the war zone, as well as to provide the necessary social and economic support to internally displaced persons. The main global threats to the oblasts of the Western Region of Ukraine are caused by the rupture of traditional economic ties and increasing international competition for natural, financial, and human resources. The priority directions of adaptation of local governments and business circles of the Western Region of Ukraine to modern challenges of globalization are based on more effective use of European integration potential. The article includes suggestions for state authorities of Ukraine on priority areas for improving the principles and mechanisms of strategy at the regional level. It emphasizes the importance of implementing the model of end-to-end strategic planning of territorial development, starting from the State Strategy of Regional Development and ending with strategic development plans of individual communities. Strategies at the supraregional, regional, and subregional levels should be intermediate. In addition, the strategic plans of the respective territories should be implemented through sectoral programs for several years. The priority directions of improvement of the territorial strategizing system in the Western Region of Ukraine are developed.


globalization, Western region of Ukraine, strategizing, strategic planning, local self-government


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