Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2023.02.041

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.13; JEL Q10, Е20, R11
Keretsman, N. I. (2023). Kontseptual'ni zasady vdoskonalennya mekhanizmu upravlinnya terytorial'nymy hromadamy na osnovi intehrovanoho rozvytku [Improvement of the management mechanism of the development of territorial communities in the conditions of modern challenges]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 108 (2), 41-49. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 14


Keretsman Nataliya Ivanivna

Postgraduate of the Department of economics and entrepreneurship of the Uzhhorod National University




The formed concept of territorial community development is nothing else than a management concept after defining the mission, general vision, and goals, which is used in strategic planning of territorial community development. The article aims to study the concept of mechanisms for the development of territorial communities on the basis of their combination, which will contribute to the efficient management of territories and ensure sustainable development of territories for future generations. The article defines the interpretation of the terms “concept”, “integration”, and “concept of integrated development”. The article shows that in order to elaborate the concept of integrated development, the materials of analytical studies are used, and various analysis methods and techniques are applied (socio-economic, comparative, SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis). The author proves that by elaborating the concept of integrated development in territorial communities, the strategic development tasks will be realized using the effectiveness of the integrated interrelations of community entities and objects and their organic combination. This ensures accessibility and transparency of strategic planning in compliance with the principle of sustainable development of territories, identifies priority projects and programs, and creates a synergy effect of the integration of external and internal actions of community actors and their cooperation to increase the competitiveness of the community and preserve the environment. The article specifies that the formation of the concept of integrated development is carried out on the basis of the principles used in the relations of socio-economic activity on the territory of a territorial community as a closed system interacting in the open space of the national, international, regional level and other spatial formations (market, economic, social, environmental and other specific open spaces).


management, territorial communities, concept of integrated development, integration


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