Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2023.04.074

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338:005.93-049.5; JEL L23, L50
Pravdyvets, O. M. (2023). Naukovi pidkhody do doslidzhennya systemy ekonomichnoyi bezpeky pidpryyemstva [Scientific approaches to studying the system of economic security of an enterprise]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 110 (4), 74-90. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 45


Pravdyvets Oleksandr Mykolayovych

Ph.D. (Military sciences)

Associate Professor of the Department of financial and economic security management of the Academic Institute of Security Management of the KROK University




The article considers the basic scientific principles and defines the main scientific approaches to the methodology of studying the economic security systems of enterprises, which include systemic, structural, functional, process, integrated, organizational-scientific, and resource-functional approaches. The author reveals that the integration of these approaches allows for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of functioning and development of economic security of enterprises at different levels. Specific scientific approaches inherent in the development of the methodological foundations of security science are characterized, including defensive, competitive, harmonized, convergent, dynamic, adaptive, activity-based, reactive-situational, and resilient approaches. The article proves that this methodology has a significant scientific basis presented in numerous works that analyze in detail the phenomenon of economic security at different levels – from the state and regions to individual organizations. The author finds that the issues of security science are undergoing significant transformations, which are determined by changes in the external and internal environment of enterprises in the context of increasing turbulence and dynamics. These changes cause a constant need to analyze, improve, and develop new approaches, mechanisms, and tools to effectively respond to new threats and challenges. The article proves that the current conditions of informatization and digitalization require the inclusion of new information and technological foundations in the methodological apparatus, which expands the possibilities and methods of cognition. It determines that the synthesis of various scientific approaches and principles creates a conceptually new basis for security science, which reflects the need for a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the economic security of enterprises, taking into account their interaction with various economic, social, political, and technological systems. The author proves that such an approach allows not only to analyze existing conditions and threats in depth but also to predict potential challenges and develop effective strategies for sustainability and development.


economic security, enterprise, security science, digital technologies, methodology, efficiency


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