Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2024.01.034

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [330.34:332.14]:[338.23:911.37]; JEL O18, R58
Melnyk, M. I., & Zalutskyy, I. R. (2024). Problemni aspekty instytutsiyno-pravovoho zabezpechennya rozvytku ahlomeratsiy yak ob’yekta rehional'noyi polityky [Problematic aspects of the institutional and legal framework of the development of agglomerations as an object of regional policy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 34-48. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 28


Melnyk Maryana Ivanivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (032)270-70-53, (+38099)72-93-873


Zalutskyy Ivan Romanovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Senior Researcher of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




The article addresses the problem of the institutional and legal framework for the development of agglomerations as an object of regional policy in the context of war and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The article examines the content and features of the international practice of agglomerations and outlines the main models of governance in modern agglomerations. Based on a retrospective analysis of national legislation, it reveals the specifics and fragmentation of changes in the institutional and legal framework for the identification, functioning, and development of agglomerations. The authors prove that even under martial law, no legal provision regulates the functioning of agglomeration as a real object of state regional policy and a catalyst for innovative development and cohesion of territories. A list of topical issues of institutional and legal support for the development of agglomerations as a subject of real regulation exclusively by law in the context of the development of sustainable regional policy is identified, in particular: uncertainty of the legal status of the agglomeration; the absence of a regulated procedure for the formation of an agglomeration and criteria for including territorial communities and/or territories in the agglomeration; the unregulated mechanism for determining, establishing, and documenting the boundaries of the agglomeration and their coordinates with proper mapping in the electronic geographic information systems of the state, in particular in the national geospatial data infrastructure; lack of an institutional and legal mechanism for regulating topical issues of agglomeration development for the joint solution of which territorial communities lack consensus; uncertainty of the forms of state support for agglomerations and stimulation of their development; disregard of the development and implementation of a unified infrastructure for statistical measurement and availability of statistical data on socioeconomic development and functioning of agglomerations; stagnation of the creation of an integrated electronic information system of urban planning cadaster at the state level, as well as the unification of the functioning of the urban planning cadaster system at the regional and local levels, as a basis for ensuring a balanced urban planning justification for the integrated spatial development of the agglomeration.


agglomerations, agglomeration development, institutional and legal framework, regional policy


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