Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2024.02.155

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 657.11.01; JEL D20, M11
Sikach, N. S. (2024). Sutnist' i struktura oblikovo-analitychnoho zabezpechennya systemy upravlinnya pidpryyemnyts'koyi diyal'nosti [The nature and structure of accounting and analytical framework for the business management system]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 155-165. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 21


Sikach Nazar Stepanovych

Postgraduate of the Department of accounting and taxation of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University




In the current economic environment, the efficiency of the functioning and development of Ukrainian enterprises largely depends on the availability of an effective and coordinated information support system. Information is a crucial driver of business development as it defines its long-term goals and objectives and assesses the existing business environment, risks, and security level. The article aims to study the nature, structure, and features of the accounting and analytical framework for the business management system. The article examines the main directions of accounting and analytical activities and their content and role in preparing information used for making managerial decisions related to ensuring the stable functioning and development of business activities. The author analyzes three main stages that precede the process of forming the necessary accounting and analytical information, namely: identification, accumulation, and registration of accounting information in primary documents; generalization of the array of primary accounting information by drawing up internal and external reporting of an enterprise; analytical processing of the set of accounting data. The article highlights the main criteria that accounting and analytical information should meet for making timely and effective management decisions, including quality, reliability, accuracy, accessibility, completeness, usefulness, relevance, timeliness, comparability, truthfulness, targeting, adequacy, adaptability, significance, clarity, continuity, etc. Different approaches to the definition of the concept of accounting and analytical framework in the context of both process and system approaches are considered and its essential characteristics are analyzed. The role, place, and requirements for the main components of the accounting and analytical framework are assessed. The main methods of collecting and obtaining information used in the accounting and analytical framework of business activities are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the fact that the modern system of managing the efficiency and risks of business activity directly depends on the availability of proper accounting and information framework, which allows making scientifically sound and reliable decisions.


accounting and analytical framework, information, information support, business activity, management system, accounting


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