UDC 332.146:338.2; JEL O13, O18, O20, R58 Kravtsiv, V. S., & Zhuk, P. V. (2024). Teoretyko-prykladni aspekty suchasnoyi viziyi rehional'noyi ekolohichnoyi polityky v Ukrayini [Theoretical and practical aspects of the current vision of regional environmental policy in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 114 (4), 21-29. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2024-4-3 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 16
Kravtsiv Vasyl StepanovychDoctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
Director, Head of the Department of regional ecological policy and environmental management of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: kravciv@ukr.net, (032)270-7168
Zhuk Petro VolodymyrovychPh.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher
Leading Researcher of the Department of regional ecological policy and environmental management of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: pzhuk@ukr.net, (032)270-7037
ResumeThe article considers scientific approaches to the interpretation of the environmental policy concept. It emphasizes the need to specify the goals, directions, tasks, and tools for the implementation of regional environmental policy and to differentiate them in the system from the state and local environmental policies. The concept of regional environmental policy is defined. Given the growing role of non-governmental institutions in all spheres of public life, regional environmental policy in modern conditions should be considered as a system of goals and actions of authorities at all levels, NGOs, other civil society institutions, scientific institutions, business entities, etc. aimed at preserving the natural environment and achieving environmentally safe living conditions for the population of the region using appropriate methods and tools. The authors specify its object (the natural environment of the region as a sphere of human activity) and its entities (governmental structures, scientific institutions, parties, public organizations, business entities, and the population). The article suggests considering the paradigm of regional environmental policy in the context of three successive stages: formation – development of a vision and its formalization through relevant concepts, strategies, programs, and action plans; implementation – realization of certain goals and objectives; development – monitoring and evaluation of implementation results, analysis of changes in global and national environmental policy, and adjustment (resetting) of the vision and mechanisms for its implementation. Special attention is paid to the difficulties of distinguishing between entities (actors) in the system of state-regional-local environmental policy. The authors propose to identify these entities through their participation in the formation, implementation, and development of a particular type of environmental policy. Meanwhile, environmental protection and resource-saving measures should be classified according to their significance and attributed to a particular type of environmental policy, namely: а) those of national importance (solving environmental protection and resource-saving tasks that concern the whole country or several of its regions) are the subject to the state environmental policy and their implementation in full or in part (including the use of public-private partnership instruments) is funded from the State Environmental Protection Fund, other state budget funds, international technical assistance, etc.; b)those of regional importance (solving environmental protection and resource-saving tasks that concern the entire territory of the region or several of its administrative-territorial units) are implemented within the framework and through the instruments of regional environmental policy using regional environmental funds, regional budgets, and other sources; c) those of local importance (solving environmental protection and resource-saving tasks that concern the territory of one administrative-territorial unit) are implemented within the framework and through the instruments of local environmental policy using the environmental funds of village, town, and city councils, relevant local budgets, funds of enterprises and organizations, and other sources.
Keywords:regional environmental policy, object, entities, paradigm, measures, current vision
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