UDC 332.711:656.1/.2; JEL O18, R14, R42, R58 Melnyk, M. I., & Yaremchuk, R. Ye. (2024). Analiz problem transportnoyi mobil'nosti ahlomeratsiy (na prykladi L'vivs'koyi ahlomeratsiyi) [Analysis of the transport mobility problems of agglomerations (on the example of Lviv agglomeration)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 114 (4), 52-62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2024-4-6 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 11
Melnyk Maryana IvanivnaDoctor of Economics, Professor
Head of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: mar.melnyk@gmail.com, (032)270-70-53, (+38099)72-93-873
Yaremchuk Roman YevhenovychJunior Researcher of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: wyhor29@gmail.com, wuhor@i.ua
ResumeFormation of an integrated mobility system as the main prerequisite for maintaining and developing transport links, as well as establishing its effective functioning in the Lviv agglomeration is one of the main priorities for stimulating its development is proved. The problematic aspects of the functioning and development of the main components of the current system of mobility of territorial communities of the Lviv agglomeration are highlighted, and a list of specialized tools and measures that can contribute to solving these problematic aspects in the context of these components is proposed. The potential risks and benefits for individual structural components of the agglomeration mobility system in the application of the proposed tools and implementation of the proposed measures are outlined. The specifics of the implemented practical steps towards solving the identified problems for each of its components are revealed, and their impact on the development of the existing mobility system of the Lviv agglomeration is analyzed. It is established that it is especially important on the way to rational planning of the agglomeration’s mobility system to use the methodology of transport planning, systematic studies of the mobile behavior of residents and monitoring of actual traffic parameters, which should become the basis for effective forecasting of the mobile behavior of residents of the agglomeration’s settlements and reliable analysis of the impact of investment projects and organizational and managerial decisions in the field of mobility. At the initial stage of the formation of an integrated mobility system in the Lviv agglomeration, it is appropriate to develop a plan for its sustainable mobility. This plan will allow for a more informed approach to the development of a general strategy for the development of the agglomeration’s mobility system and individual strategies for the development of the main components of this system.
Keywords:integrated mobility system, agglomeration, transport planning, suburban bus transportation, suburban rail transportation, bicycle infrastructure, intercept parking
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