Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2024.04.079

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 314.7:351.86; JEL F22, H56, O15
Mulska, O. P. (2024). Instrumentariy posylennya mihratsiynoyi bezpeky v proyektsiyi sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho vidnovlennya Ukrayiny [Tools for strengthening migration security in the projection of Ukraine’s socio-economic recovery]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 114 (4), 79-88. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 23


Mulska Olha Petrivna

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher

Leading Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (096)877-3213



Mulska O. P. Tools for strengthening migration security in the projection of Ukraine’s socio-economic recovery.Large-scale and uncontrolled migration processes in Ukraine have led to a significant weakening of migration security, which ultimately led to the spread of negative consequences for the socio-economic stability of the regions (low level of demographic reproduction, decrease in the number of people of reproductive and economically active age, “depopulation” of territories, increase in disproportions and unevenness of the gender and age structure of the population; significant shortage of highly specialized specialists in the sectors of the regional economy; increasing disproportionality of regional development, differentiation of center-peripheral progress, financial asymmetries and budgetary imbalances; reduction of the resource, including financial and investment, potential of the regions, etc.). The purpose of the article is to identify the negative consequences of weakening migration security for the sustainability of the country’s regions; to substantiate the tools for strengthening migration security in the projection of Ukraine’s socio-economic recovery. It is substantiated that the instrumentarium for strengthening the migration security of Ukraine as a system of means of regulating migration processes in the projection of ensuring their controllability, socio-economic stability and restoration of regions provides for (1) improving the quality of the system for monitoring migration processes, the formation of regional databases on the structural and dynamic characteristics of migration; (2) stimulating re-emigration, especially of young people, educational and labor migrants; (3) reducing the socio-economic vulnerability and inequality of IDPs; (4) effective use of migration capital of economic entities; (5) development and implementation of regional programs for the development of the virtual, creative and innovative employment market; (6) stimulating local economic development, etc.


migration, security, potential, socio-economic development, war, migration losses, labor market, region, Ukraine


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