UDC 65.01:658; JEL A10, O10 Rybyak, V. V. (2024). Instrumenty rozvytku intehrovanykh struktur biznesu v Ukrayini [Tools for the development of integrated business structures in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 114 (4), 113-119. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2024-4-12 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 15
Authors Rybyak Valeriy ValeriyovychPostgraduate of the Department of finance of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
ResumeIn the context of globalization of economic processes and increasing the competitiveness of the national economy, integrated business structures play an important role. Ukraine faces challenges related to the need to adapt to international standards and increase the efficiency of internal corporate mechanisms. Integrated business structures, which include various forms of partnerships from corporate mergers to strategic alliances, are the main tools for implementing this adaptation. The purpose of the article is to analyze and optimize the use of tools for the development of integrated business structures in Ukraine in the context of globalization and to increase their competitiveness. The article examines the importance of integrated business structures in the context of globalization and their role in strengthening the national economy of Ukraine. The author analyzes the challenges faced by Ukraine due to the need to adapt to international standards and the effectiveness of corporate mechanisms. Different forms of partnership are grouped, from corporate mergers to strategic alliances. The current state of the Ukrainian economy, characterized by active reform of the industrial sector and attempts to integrate into global markets, is summarized. The main problems are systematized, including corporate governance, imperfect legislation, and a high level of corporate conflicts, which complicate the effective integration and use of the potential of integrated structures. The importance of developing and using tools that facilitate the development of integrated structures is determined, since its adequate use can significantly increase the efficiency of activities and investment attractiveness of Ukraine. It is proved that strategic planning and innovative methods, such as foresight studies, branding of territories and program-targeted approach, are effective in solving these problems and contribute to the sustainable development of integrated structures. It is proposed that further research and implementation of these strategies will allow Ukraine to better adapt to globalization processes and improve its position in the international arena, thereby increasing the efficiency of the national economy.
Keywords:development tools, business structures, integrated structures, potential, efficiency, mechanisms
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