UDC 332.1:338; JEL K20, Z10 . Regulation and management of cultural services sphere in the European Union. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 114 (4), 130-136. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2024-4-14 [in English]. Sources: 9
Authors Voytenko Olha ArturivnaPostgraduate, Leading Engineer of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: voytenko1209@gmail.com
ResumeThis article conducts a comprehensive examination of European policies, legislative frameworks, and institutional structures related to culture, creative industries, and heritage that started in 1970 when the European Community was founded. It explores how these elements collectively aim to foster a supportive environment that nurtures the growth of creative industries in the Organization. Additionally, the article highlights the importance of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue for the development of CI within the EU. By analyzing policy outcomes, the article underscores the critical impact of these efforts on both the economy and social cohesion, emphasizing the role of collaborative projects that unite different cultural backgrounds and creative practices. Due to the latest joint strategies and agendas, the engagement of civil society and professional organisations is essential in developing and executing an all-encompassing cultural policy for Europe. Their participation guarantees that the ambitious plans are achievable and practical, promoting significant social transformation throughout the region.
Keywords:cultural services, EU legislation, creative industries, culture
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