Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Fera-Klemontsa Oksana Yuriyivna

Fera-Klemontsa Oksana Yuriyivna

Applicant of the Department of economics and entrepreneurship of the Uzhhorod National University




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.43:332.1(477); JEL L66, O15, Q18
Fera-Klemontsa, O. Yu. (2018). Tendentsiyi rozvytku prodovol'choho zabezpechennya rehioniv Ukrayiny [Tendencies of food provision development in Ukrainian regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 90 (4), 56-63. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

An importance of the issue of food provision in the state and its regions used to be and still remains to be one of the most urgent, just as the conditions of its achievement. It stipulates full provision of a country and its regions with own production and importing products only in case of necessity. Considering the food provision as a set of economic relations in society that emerge in the process of provision of all society members with food in correspondence with the quality and quantity norms, the state should guarantee the availability, stability and efficiency of the use of food. Food provision of a region is a complex multidimensional phenomenon, which combines economic, social and political aspects. The paper aims to evaluate the level of region’s provision with food and to define major priorities of its forming. The paper examines the specifics and major problems of food provision in the regions of Ukraine. The dynamics of annual consumption funds and consumption per capita of main foods products by Ukrainian population is outlined. The number of food products that grew and fell in the period under research is analyzed. The regions’ rankings in overall agricultural production in 2017 are formed. The dynamics of gross agricultural production in general as well as animal husbandry and crop production per capita is defined. The ways to implement state and regional policies on strengthening of food provision are suggested: improvement of purchasing power of population; reduction of tax burden for agricultural producers; optimal balance of food procurement for exports and imports; minimizing the prices disparity for agricultural and industrial production, when the money received from the sales of agricultural products does not cover the production costs; improvement of cultural and educational levels and staff and social maintenance of a village; planning of stable state orders for rural producers that secure favourable conditions of products realization. 
food provision, agriculture, animal husbandry products, crop production, consumption of products 


Fera-Klemontsa, O. Yu. (2014). Osnovy marketynhovoho pidkhodu v orhanizatsiyi prodovolchoho zabezpechennya rehionu [Fundamentals of marketing approach in the organization of food supply of the region]. In Rozvytok natsionalnoyi ekonomiky: metodolohiya ta praktyka [Development of the national economy: methodology and practice]: Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference (pp. 117-119). Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil: Krok. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.04.127.011}

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