Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Gudz Petro Vasylyovych

Gudz Petro Vasylyovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Director of Institute, Head of the Department of management of the Economics and Humanities Institute of the Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University




Kovalenko Tetyana Oleksandrivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.146:[338.45:669]:[338.45:620.9]
Kovalenko, T. O., & Gudz, P. V. (2011). Zabezpechennya efektyvnoho vykorystannya enerhetychnoho potentsialu metalurhiynoyi haluzi rehionu (na prykladi Zaporiz'koyi oblasti) [Maintenance of the Efficient Use of Regional Metallurgical Industry Energy Potential (on the example of Zaporizhzhya Region)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 62(4), 101-108. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The structure of the energy resources used in the metallurgical industry of Zaporizhzhya region is analyzed. On basis of the proposed calculations that are founded on the use of statistical information about consumption of energy in Zaporizhzhya region and norms of economy from the introduction of energy saving methods, the possible economy of heavy and furnace fuel and electricity in metallurgy industries of Zaporizhzhya region is defined. Considering the existing problematic aspects of metallurgical sector development and calculated reserves of energy saving, the ways of efficient use of Zaporizhzhya region energy potential are proposed. 
regional economy, energy potential of region, metallurgy, energy-saving, electric power, tariff 

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