Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Halushka Zoya Ivanivna

Halushka Zoya Ivanivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of economic theory, management and administration of the Faculty of Economics of the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University




Repository of Institute of Regional Research Galushka, Z. I. (2009). Rehional'na dyferentsiatsiya dokhodiv naselennya yak pokaznyk sotsial'noyi bezpeky suspil'stva [Regional Differentiation of Profits of Population as Index of Social Safety of Society]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The problem of unevenness of the forming and allocation of profits of population of different regions of Ukraine as reason of threat to social safety of the society has been examined. The indexes of differentiation of profits in the regions of Ukraine have been presented, reasons, which are not formal, but considerably influence on the redistribution of profits and sharpen social contradictions, have been determined. 
regional differentiation of salary, social danger, gross regional output, social priorities of development of the region 

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