Hlushchenko Oleksandr IvanovychPh.D. of Economics
Assistant of the Department of personnel management and labor economics of the Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Contacts: lara-step@yandex.ru, aleks-glushchenko@yandex.ru
UDC 658.310.8.003.13:631.11(477.53) Hlushchenko, O. I. (2015). Stratehiya zabezpechennya efektyvnosti vykorystannya upravlins'koho personalu torhovel'nykh pidpryyemstv spozhyvchoyi kooperatsiyi Poltavs'koho rehionu [Strategy of ensuring of the efficient use of management personnel of trade enterprises of consumer cooperation in the Poltava region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 78(4). [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 2