Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Kopylyuk Oksana Ivanivna

Kopylyuk Oksana Ivanivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of financial and economic security and banking business of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics; Senior Researcher of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Zhurybida Nataliya Romanivna

Kutsab Pyotr


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.713:330.142.22:351.862.4(477); JEL G21
Kopylyuk, O. I., & Zhurybida, N. R. (2020). Kompleksnyy pidkhid do otsinyuvannya rivnya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky bankiv Ukrayiny [A comprehensive approach to assessing the level of economic security of Ukrainian banks]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 92-99. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

Existing methodological approaches to assessing the level of economic security of Ukrainian banks are revealed and the need to improve them is substantiated. The author proposes the method of determining the level of economic security of banks at the micro level. Estimated values of economic security indicators and their assessment in points made it possible to group institutions by the level of economic security and to determine the positioning of banks depending on ownership. Institutions with a high level of economic security include banks, which, according to 8 indicators, have accumulated a total number of 61 to 80 points. A satisfactory level of economic security is characteristic of banks, whose quantitative assessment for a certain amount of indicators ranges from 41 to 60 points. Low levels of economic security are inherent in institutions with an overall score of 21-40. Institutions with a critical level of security include banks with a total score of up to 20 points, whose activities are accompanied by violations of indicator values and destabilizing effects on the banking system. The validation of this methodology was carried out in all solvent banks of Ukraine, which operated in 2015 and 2019. Based on the grouping of institutions by the level of economic security, the threats and dangers that accompanied the activities of banks were identified. The main threats to the economic security of state-owned banks were: the highest share of problem loans in the aggregate loan portfolio, risk of operating activities, reduction of their lending activity. Institutions of foreign banking groups were largely characterized by high, satisfactory, and low levels of economic security. This methodological toolkit is suggested to be used to strengthen the market position and increase the security of the functioning of Ukrainian banks. 
banks, economic security, threats, risks, dangers, scoring 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.122:339.9; JEL R58
Kopylyuk, O. I., & Kucab, P. (2019). Osoblyvosti formuvannya i realizatsiyi stratehiyi rozvytku transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva [Features of the formation and implementation of the cross-border cooperation development strategy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 91 (1), 31-38. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The importance of cross-border cooperation in the socio-economic development of the border regions is emphasized and the need to develop its strategic directions is grounded. The authors confirm that the strategy of cross-border cooperation should be one of the sections of the state regional policy and policy of the border territorial entities, should contain key operational and thematic objectives, cover the financing mechanism and features of the instruments for its provision. The author’s approach to the definition of the main stages of the process of formation of the cross-border cooperation strategy at the regional level is proposed, their content, functional characteristics and key parameters for the implementation of the measures are disclosed. According to the author’s approach, the process of forming of cross-border cooperation strategy at the regional level should include the following steps: 1) identification of long-term goals of cross-border cooperation in the main functional areas: sustainable development, employment, tourism, transport, communications, environment, security, border infrastructure, etc.; 2) analysis of potential of transboundary regions in the retrospective and strategic aspects with specification of the matrix of SWOT analysis; 3) institutional and managerial support for cross-border cooperation; 4) determination of the most rational forms of CBC; 5) justification of volumes and sources of financial support of cross-border cooperation; 6) selection of CBC financing instruments; 7) definition of strategic alternatives and justification of the strategy of cross-border cooperation; 8) implementation, monitoring, control and evaluation of the impact and risks of cross-border cooperation. The process of forming of CBC strategy involves its implementation, monitoring, control, evaluation of performance and risks. This stage involves the study of the effectiveness of the CBC implementation, the degree of convergence and integration of transboundary regions in the context of risk management that accompanies this process. The strategy of cross-border cooperation should clearly define the overall long-term priorities of cooperation in terms of their specificity, time and financial dimension, flexibility and consistency. Strategic goals should reflect the basic European values and promote convergence of the regions of the countries on both sides of the border. 
cross-border cooperation strategy, thematic objectives, financial support, regional development policy, subjects and participants in cross-border cooperation 


Kopylyuk, O. I., Buryak, P. Yu., Zhovtanetska, Ya. V., & Muzychka, O. M. (2018). Mekhanizm antykryzovoho upravlinnya v bankax Ukrayiny [Mechanism of anti-crisis management in Ukrainian banks]. Lviv: SPOLOM. [in Ukrainian]. {re2020.01.092.006}

Kopylyuk, O. I., Muzychka, O. M., & Bayik, M. Ya. (2017). Formuvannya ta systematyzatsiya strateyiy finansovo-ekonomichnoyi bezpeky pidpryyemnytstva [Formation and systematization of strategies of financial and economic security of entrepreneurship]. Stalyy rozvytok ekonomiky – Sustainable economic development, 1, 108-115. [in Ukrainian]. {re2020.04.024.010}

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