Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Lyakhovych Olha Oleksandrivna

Lyakhovych Olha Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of finance and economics of natural resources of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering




Pavlov Volodymyr Ivanovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.117.334.716.008.8:330.341.1
Pavlov, V. I., & Lyakhovych, O. O. (2013). Osoblyvosti form derzhavno-pryvatnoho partnerstva v innovatsiyniy sferi [Features of Public-Private Partnership Forms in the Innovation Sphere]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 69(3), 57-65. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The essence of public-private partnership (PPP) forms according to the features of their application in the innovation sphere is revealed. The basic forms of cooperation between public and private sectors in Ukraine are highlighted. Special attention is paid to the direct and indirect forms of state involvement in PPP innovative projects. 
public-private partnership, technological parks, tax exemptions 

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