Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Odrekhivskyy Mykola Vasylyovych

Odrekhivskyy Mykola Vasylyovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of economic cybernetics and innovation of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University; Professor of the Department of management and international business of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University

Contacts:, odrekhivsky@drohobych.netТел.дом.:



Odrekhivs'ka Ol'ha Omelyanivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Odrekhivskyi, M. V. (2011). Metodolohichni pryntsypy orhanizatsiyi ta intehratsiyi rekreatsiynykh innovatsiynykh pidpryyemstv do rynkovoyi ekonomiky [Methodological Principles of Recreational Innovative Enterprises Organization and their Integration into the Regional Economy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 60(2), 69-77. [in Ukrainian]. 

The paper elicits the principles of organization of recreational innovation enterprises and their integration into the economy of the society as based both on modern scientific researches in the fields of cybernetics, synergy studies, homeostatics and syntellectics as well as on present state of development of the Ukrainian health resorts’ network and of the society in general. The place and role of recreational innovation enterprises in the market economy of health care services of Ukraine are analyzed, the interrelations of national recreational innovation system with the subjects of market economy are studied, the organization of the system of relations between the recreational innovation enterprises and national system of health care are presented in the paper. 
recreation, innovation, enterprise, system, integration 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Odrekhivsky, M. V. (2009). Lohistychna systema innovatsiynykh struktur [The System of Logistics in Innovation Structures]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 53(3), 264 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

For the effective functioning of economic mechanism of innovative structures the model of the logistic system and algorithm of its functioning has been offered, the structure of financial streams, ways of its motion and management mechanism have been described. It will be instrumental in an analysis, estimation and prognostication of the states of financial streams, preparation and making decision after the states of input and process resource streams, output and market food streams, in preparation and making decision on a management the states of both resource and food streams. 
innovations, model, logistics, system, structure, resources, process, products, flows 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330:681.51:616.6
Odrekhivs'ky, M. V., & Odrekhivs'ka, O. O. (2008). Innovatsiyna systema rehional'noyi ahlomeratsiyi "Drohobychchyna" [The Innovative System of Regional Agglomeration “Drogobychyna”]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 228-239. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 19

Methodological approaches in modeling the innovative system of Regional Agglomeration “Drogobychyna”, that are based on the structure of the innovative process as such and different types of network models, particularly claster and territorially hierarchical models have been offers. Different categories of the innovative structures may become the constituents of the network models. 
agglomeration, innovation, claster, model, region, system, structure 

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