Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Osypov Volodymyr Mykolayovych

Osypov Volodymyr Mykolayovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Senior Researcher of the Department of development of regional economic systems of the Institute of Market and Economic & Ecological Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine




Burkyns'kyy Borys Volodymyrovych

Horyachuk Valeriy Fedorovych

Molina Olena Valentynivna

Murzanovs'kyy Hennadiy Modestovych

Storonyans'ka Iryna Zenoviyivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.122.54:336.143; JEL H72, H77, R51
Burkynskyy, B. V., Storonyanska, I. Z., Horyachuk, V. F., Osypov, V. M., & Murzanovskyy, H. M. (2023). Shlyakhy udoskonalennya systemy byudzhetnoho vyrivnyuvannya v Ukrayini [Ways to improve the budget equalization system in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 108 (2), 21-33. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 21

Under the conditions of the decentralization reform, the budget equalization system in Ukraine underwent significant changes, which took place in terms of the transition from vertical equalization of expenditures to horizontal equalization of revenues. Today, a mixed budget equalization system is being formed in Ukraine, with an emphasis on horizontal equalization of revenues and the use of separate tools for vertical equalization of expenditures. The main problems of budget equalization in Ukraine include the insufficient amount of own revenues of local budgets, the high level of dependence of local budgets on transfers from the state budget, the insufficient justification of the procedure for calculating the tax capacity indicator, the low level of financial autonomy of communities, the lack of a clear division of powers between state authorities and local governments, transfer of powers to the level of local government without adequate financial support, significant differentiation of regions by the level of socio-economic development. The problem of restoring the district level of local government is in a “frozen” state. The budget equalization system of Ukraine should be improved in terms of creating equal financial opportunities for access to public services. In the medium- and long-term perspective, it is advisable to strengthen the role of expenditure equalization tools, supplement the representative tax system with a number of taxes (property tax, single tax, excise duty), create an independent agency for periodic analysis of the state of the budget equalization system and develop proposals for its reform, restore the practice of using agreements on interregional development, agreements on regional development, and programs for overcoming the depressed state of the territory. The new equalization system should be based on state service standards. With the transition to medium-term planning of local budgets, it is necessary to ensure the stability and predictability of the volume of transfers to local authorities and the transparency of the order of their distribution. 
budget equalization, local government, standards of public services, transfers, distribution of powers, differentiation of own revenues 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Molina, O. V., & Osypov, V. M. (2010). Stalyy sotsial'no-ekonomichnyy rozvytok rehionu: analiz pidkhodiv ta instrumentiv otsinky [Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of Region: Analysis of Approaches and Instruments of Estimation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 58(4), 25-32. [in Ukrainian]. 

Principles and approaches to definition of «sustainable development» are analyzed. The role of regions as specialized reprocessing systems in the concept of sustainable development and the factors, which stipulate the necessity of the Ukrainiane regions’ sustainable development, are outlined. The most significant external factors that impede transition to sustainable regional development are identified. Preconditions (priority mechanisms) of the increase of region’s sustainability are defined. Analysis of the well-known methods and systems of indicators for an estimation of sustainable development of socio-economic systems and their components is conducted. Approaches to formation of the method of regional sustainable development estimation are proved. 
sustainable development, region, reprocessing process, model, estimation, indicators 


Horyachuk, V. F., Osypov, V. M., Kutateladze, V. O., & Murzanovskyy, H. M. (2022). Dosvid formuvannya system byudzhetnoho vyrivnyuvannya v krayinakh Orhanizatsiyi ekonomichnoho spivrobitnytstva ta rozvytku [Experience of forming budget equalization systems in the countries of the organization for economic cooperation and development]. In Ekonomichni innovatsiyi [Economic innovations]: Vol. 24(3) (pp. 17-276). DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.02.021.004}

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