Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Rak Nataliya Yevhenivna

Rak Nataliya Yevhenivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of management and social sciences of the Lviv Academic Institute of University of Banking




Repository of Institute of Regional Research Rak, N. Ye. (2009). Ekonomika znan': sutnist' ta faktory upravlinnya znannyamy [Economy of Knowledges: Essence and Factors of Management of Knowledges]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 53(3), 264 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The essence of a new type of economy – the economy of knowledges have been elucidated, three main parts of management of knowledges (places, peoples and things) have been determined, factors of management of knowledge (human, philosophical, organizational, technological, systemative, global, biological, individual, training, temporal, irrationality of knowledge, rationality of knowledge) have been substantiated. 
economy of knowledges, knowledge, management of knowledges, factors of management of knowledges 

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